Open Collective
Open Collective

Raleigh United Mutual Aid Hub (RUMAH)

The mission of Raleigh United Mutual Aid Hub is to foster collaboration between residents, communities, and mutual aid resources in and around Raleigh, NC.



Raleigh United Mutual Aid Hub (RUMAH) is hosting the following events.

Past event
04:00 PM-08:00 PM UTC
Mini Fundraiser: For a $10-20 donation, you can decorate your own part of The Hub! Materials prov...Read more

Attended by

Past event
04:00 AM UTC
Support Compassion Access Project's Giving Tuesday Campaign! See below for more updates <3

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
04:00 AM UTC
Support our 2023 Giving Tuesday campaign with #GivingTuesdayRDU

Attended by

+ 1
Past event
04:00 PM-08:00 PM UTC
For a $10-20 donation, you can decorate your own part of The Hub! Materials provided, come by dur...Read more

Attended by

Past event
06:00 PM-11:00 PM UTC
Raleigh Earth Day Festival presented by Climate Action NC & RUMAH, with Clouds Brewing.

Attended by

No attendees


The mission of Raleigh United Mutual Aid Hub is to foster collaboration between residents, communities, and mutual aid resources in and around Raleigh, NC.

Vision Statement:

We envision a stronger community with accessible spaces where people across all backgrounds and affinities feel a sense of belonging. We aim to build solidarity through shared knowledge, experiences, and ideals. We hope to create space for the sharing of resources by hosting workshops, skill-shares, and community-sourced programming. Through these initiatives and community collaboration, we will unify in action by serving the community in ways we want, need, and deserve to be served.

More About RUMAH:

Like most growing metropolitan areas, rampant gentrification and rising property values are displacing lower income neighborhoods, communal spaces, and small businesses. We are losing our city to big business and rich real estate investors. We want to take back space of our own in order to combat displacement and help bolster a mutual aid network that functions outside of the city's capitalist norms.

As of May 2023, RUMAH has secured a 2-year lease for a space located in downtown Raleigh NC, known as The Hub. The Hub is utilized for community building, engagement, and solidarity events year-round, as well as serving as a place for local collectives to use as a home base, storage center, meeting space, donation collection point, resource distribution center, and informational hub.

RUMAH is also determined to be a true resource distribution hub for the region, by receiving and potentially storing bulk items for other mutual aid groups in NC. These bulk items will be accessible to all NC mutual aid groups in case of natural disasters, infrastructure failure, or any other sudden needs that may arise. RUMAH is actively working toward this goal by collaborating with Distribute Aid, an international not-for-profit redistribution organization that searches for excess resources to direct to areas of need.

RUMAH's mission is primarily funded by grassroots support. Individual and monthly contributions ensure the space may be kept open and accessible for all. Please consider supporting this work through a one-time or recurring contribution, subscribing to our e-newsletter, or following along on social media.  RUMAH's current financial goal is $6k in monthly sustainers by the end of 2023. Whether it’s $5 a month or $50, we appreciate everything that supports the journey! 


RUMAH Values...

- We value the principles of collaborative, non-hierarchical structures with equal power dynamics. And seek to consistently evaluate to meet them.
- We value basic human rights, and insist that each and every person deserves access to safe drinking water, nutritious food, adequate shelter, healthcare, and self-determination.
- We value environmental justice, education, and sustainable practices through free education on permaculture and local environmental awareness and action. 
  • - We value community, the mutualistic web of relationships through which we are able to organize at all.
  • - We believe everybody has something of value to offer, and that we are strongest when we work together as equals to achieve common goals. Community is a right and not a privilege! 
  • - We value transparency, as it is absolutely necessary for effective communication, collaboration, and trust. We do not willfully withhold, obscure, or delay information regarding our operations, and strive to be responsive to requests for information from our members, partners, and community. Note that we also maintain private persons’, businesses’, and organizations’ right to determine how and what information is shared about them by us.
  • - We value autonomy, in the sense of self-direction and freedom from constraint. We trust individuals’ knowledge of their own communities and the needs of themselves and their neighbors. In offering assistance to individuals and projects we allow them to lead while we do our best to provide the support they ask for. We seek to be a catalyst for local grassroots organizing. 
  • - We value a diversity of perspectives, identities, and lived experiences.
  • - We value creative expression as a valid and vital form of revolution; an outlet and tool for engaging, motivating and changing the community.

Food Not Bombs Raleigh OCF Page:


Transparent and open finances.

Fund Disbursement

Divested (fund disbursement)
from Hack Club to Raleigh United Mutual Aid Hub (RUMAH)
-$23,407.39 USD
Today’s balance

-$0.39 USD

Total raised

$75,041.82 USD

Total disbursed

$75,042.21 USD

Estimated annual budget

$98.33 USD


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Raleigh United Mutual Aid Hub (RUMAH)

Updates on our activities and progress.


Earlier this month, we learned of the sudden announcement from our former fiscal sponsor, Open Collective Foundation (OCF), informing us that the foundation will undergo a total dissolution. We are pleased to annou...
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Published on March 14, 2024 by Schrader

What's Up(Date)? Wrapping up 2023

Hello RUMAH supporters! It's been a whirlwind of a year, and RUMAH is proud to have been able to accomplish so much this year - things that would not have been possible without contributions from all our lovely donors, hard work from our de...
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Published on November 30, 2023 by Schrader

Call for Volunteers! Interest Meeting This Sunday & More

Join Team RUMAH! · RUMAH is looking to recruit volunteers! Are you interested in learning about all the different ways you can help support RUMAH's mission? Whether you have an hour a day or an hour a mont...
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Published on August 18, 2023 by Schrader