Open Collective
Open Collective

SE15 Community Fund

solidarity fund

Neighbours supporting neighbours in SE15. Give what you can, take what you need. Scroll down to the 'About' heading to get started :)


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Support A Neighbour

By contributing £50 / month, you are directly supporting one neighbour to access the fund, and sending the strongest signal that you are part of ma... Read more

£50 GBP / month

Latest activity by

+ 7
Recurring contribution
Half A Grant

By contributing £25/month, your money will cover half of a grant to a neighbour in need of support.

£25 GBP / month

Latest activity by

+ 14
Recurring contribution
London Living Wage

Your regular contribution of an hour's London Living Wage will go directly to neighbours in need of support, and will help ensure the sustainabilit... Read more

£10.75 GBP / month

Latest activity by

+ 22
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Latest activity by

+ 160

Top financial contributors


The Social Change Nest

£22,902.01 GBP since May 2020

Community Leadership in Motion

£5,000 GBP since Oct 2023

Peckham Settlement

£3,000 GBP since Apr 2022

First Word Records

£2,900 GBP since Jun 2020

Nola Coffee

£1,750 GBP since Jan 2021

Goose Green Solidarity Fund

£1,596.3 GBP since Dec 2020

PEARS Record Label

£1,539.67 GBP since Jun 2020

General Store

£1,000 GBP since Jun 2020

Newham Solidarity Fund

£865.9 GBP since Dec 2021

Rhythm Section INTL

£652.32 GBP since Jun 2020



£11,571.8 GBP since Jun 2023


£3,950 GBP since Jul 2020

James Coward

£3,700 GBP since Jan 2022

Lynn Bjerke

£3,425 GBP since May 2020

Chris Haydon

£3,000 GBP since Nov 2020


£2,910 GBP since Jan 2022

Malcolm Reynolds

£2,750 GBP since Feb 2023

Morgan Aimes

£2,625 GBP since Apr 2021


£2,550 GBP since Dec 2020


£2,500 GBP since Sep 2023

SE15 Community Fund is all of us

Our contributors 166

Thank you for supporting SE15 Community Fund.

Emma O'Dwyer


£1,430 GBP

Andreea Vasilcin


£1,376 GBP



£748 GBP

The Social Ch...

£22,902 GBP


£11,572 GBP

Community Lea...

£5,000 GBP


£3,950 GBP

James Coward

£3,700 GBP

Lynn Bjerke

Support A Neighbour

£3,425 GBP

Community is what it is all about.

Chris Haydon

£3,000 GBP


Support the following initiatives from SE15 Community Fund.


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #797326
-£50.00 GBP

Gas bill

from Eddy Ramdin to SE15 Community Fund
-£50.00 GBP
Today’s balance

£5.50 GBP

Total raised

£118,819.76 GBP

Total disbursed

£118,814.26 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£12,816.63 GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from SE15 Community Fund

Updates on our activities and progress.

Update - delays to paying grants

Dear Neighbours We're writing to let you know that we will need to introduce a queuing system to access the fund over the next couple of months. This is because the fund is currently paying out more money every month than it receives in con...
Read more
Published on July 8, 2024 by SE15 Community Fund Admin

End of 2023 update

Dear neighbours, As we approach the end of the year, here’s a little update from us: Payment dates Due to the holidays, grant payment dates will be a little different to usual over the next couple of weeks. Our hosts will...
Read more
Published on December 21, 2023 by SE15 Community Fund Admin

2023 Update + Extra Support Resources

Dear neighbours, We wanted to bring you up to speed with how things are going with the SE15 Community Fund as it has been a while since we sent out an update. As of January 10th, the fund has redistributed over £53,000 to neighbours in SE15...
Read more
Published on January 16, 2023 by Alex


Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.


Published on May 7, 2024 by Jadie Dixon

Could somebody please tell me what time payments are please? Thanks

Payment times

Published on April 4, 2024 by Jadie Dixon

Hi I am just wondering what time the payments are because my request got approved on Tuesday and I was told I will be paid the grant today but I still have not received anything.. Thank you


Published on February 14, 2024 by Sue thomas

Hi I am wondering when my request will be approved and paid. Thanks



What is the SE15 Community Fund ?

The SE15 Community Fund offers financial help to people living in the SE15 postcode. This fund can be used for any purpose. There is no judgement, nor is there any obligation to pay back the money. We are a group of SE15-based neighbours who believe in helping our neighbours when they are in need - on the basis of solidarity, not charity. 

Am I eligible to receive help from the fund ? 

This fund is available to anyone currently living in the SE15 postcode, however, the grant is limited to 1 application per household rather than per resident. You must upload recent proof of address, confirming that you live within the SE15 postcode. You do not have to provide any evidence of what the expense will be covering, but we do ask that you use the grant in good faith. We do not require any more personal details - feel free to just upload the initials of your name when making an Open Collective personal profile in order to remain anonymous. For those with no fixed address, please get in contact at [email protected] as we will still try our best to help. 

How do I receive money from the fund?

Please look at our User Guide for full instructions on how to claim from the fund via Open Collective. 

Neighbours can apply for up to £50 at a time. Take only what you need, so that others can also get help. Each household can receive cash up to once per calendar month - this limit is intended to ensure that as many people as possible get the help they need. 

Our host normally makes payments on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, however the cutoff point for them is now 1pm on these days. Any expenses that are submitted after 1pm on those days will be picked up in the next batch of scheduled payments.

How can I give money to the fund ?

Anything that you are able to give to support the fund, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. As a steer, some people might give the equivalent of one days’ wages, for a lump sum donation. Even better would be a monthly or even weekly recurring contribution which will help provide more consistent support to fellow neighbours and avoid a situation where the pot is empty when someone needs it. You can contribute via bank transfer, card payment and Paypal. 

For this reason, bank transfers are our preferred method of donation. You will be sent an e-mail containing the bank details and a reference number. This happens almost instantaneously, so please check in your ‘junk mail’ folder if you can’t see it in your ‘inbox’. Please quote the payment reference number supplied when you commit to the donation - as this ensures the money is credited to the SE15 Community Fund. 

Who organises the fund and how are decisions made ?

The current administrators of the fund are four SE15 residents who met through local mutual aid groups, created in response to the pandemic. The fund is run in accordance with our constitution, which can be read here.

How is my personal data handled?

When uploading your personal data into this fund, your data is covered by the privacy policy of the Open Collective, who are based in the US, and as such data protection is covered by US law rather than UK and EU data laws. Their full privacy policy can be found here: . Any personal data received directly by the fund will be handled in compliance with current GDPR regulations. 

Please do not hesitate to message or get in touch at [email protected] if you need any assistance or have a question.

Our team