Open Collective
Open Collective

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These are all the ways you can help make our community sustainable.

Recurring contribution

Kindly offer a regular donation to SEMF. This funds will go towards running costs and operations.

Starts at
€2 EUR / month

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One-time contribution

Every little helps. Appear publicly recognized a SEMF Supporter. Get priority access to community events and decisions.

Starts at
€5 EUR

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One-time contribution

Gain access to a SEMF-hosted meeting with experts on a topic of your choice (either private or livestreamed).

Starts at
€300 EUR

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One-time contribution

Bring your ideas to SEMF! Gain the opportunity to work with the SEMF team to ideate and design future events and activities.

Starts at
€900 EUR

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One-time contribution

This holiday season, donate to SEMF and receive an exclusive SEMF mug as a thank you. Available for a limited time only! Read more

Starts at
€50 EUR

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Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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+ 4
Archived Project
Help fund the next step of SEMF development! Every individual donation will be doubled by a gener...

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+ 11
Past event
07:00 AM UTC
Week of multidisciplinary courses, talks, and debates, together with artistic and social activities.

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Past event
03:00 PM-06:00 PM UTC
Workshop sobre complejidad y estructura de sistemas humanos biológicos, psicológicos, culturales...

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No attendees
Past event
04:00 PM-07:00 PM UTC
A workshop exploring the interplay between axiomatic systems and creativity across disciplines, s...Read more

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Past event
08:00 AM-04:30 PM UTC
A workshop exploring discreteness vs continuity in physics, information and computing.

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No attendees
Past event
09:00 AM-04:00 PM UTC
A workshop exploring discreteness vs continuity in physics, information and computing.

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
07:00 AM UTC
Week of multidisciplinary courses, talks, and debates, together with artistic and social activities.

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No attendees
Past event
10:00 AM UTC
Interdisciplinary conference on the notions of space, shape and distance.

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
10:00 AM UTC
Interdisciplinary conference on the notions of number, cardinality, ordinality and arithmetic.

Attended by

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