Serpent OS has been archived.

Serpent OS is all of us
Our contributors 86
Thank you for supporting Serpent OS.
Aydemir Ulaş ...
$3,000 USD
$2,500 USD
$1,500 USD
Robert Griffiths
$865 USD
$500 USD
$455 USD
$418 USD
This is going to be *awesome*
Beefy Pooter ...
$359 USD
$305 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Closing balance
Credit from Derek MacRae to Serpent OS •
-$0.70 USD
$12,213.61 USD
$12,214.31 USD
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Serpent OS
Updates on our activities and progress.
Moving to GitHub Sponsors
Moss Progress: Package Installation (Again!)
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Desktop Environment?
Published on November 24, 2021 by Botan Burhan Abdullah
Are we going to see a new desktop environment in the future for Serpent OS? Will it be GTK based? Just curious.
Goal Section created
Published on October 11, 2020 by Ikey Doherty
Hey guys, just another update. I've added some initial goals to this Open Collective. If you have thoughts for improvement or consideration, please let me know in the comment section below :)
Be Frank: How important is musl to your support of Serpent OS?
Published on September 22, 2020 by Ikey Doherty
We're at a point now where we're benchmarking glibc vs musl performance with Serpent OS, so we're putting the question out there: Is musl what drew you to Serpent OS? Now, there is a lot of friction in terms of merging musl into Serpent OS,...

I strongly believe Serpent OS is the disruptive force we need in the Linux world right now, and have built a plethora of tooling to support the engineering of such a project. We're now at the point of rolling a build infrastructure to support our rolling release model, and will be going "live" any day now.
With 4 kids and a less than ideal living situation, I do absolutely everything I can to work on Serpent OS. The time I have that isn't spent parenting and whatnot is spent on Serpent OS, meaning a full time job would completely stall all development work (trust me, I tried =))
So - if you want Serpent OS to succeed as much as I do, and the trusty team we've built around Serpent OS, you can help by ensuring forever-free-status for Serpent OS by investing your contribution in us.
The problems we're solving cannot be done by an established entity that has to satisfy shareholders - we're creating required disruption. Help us today and I'll work my backside off :)
A stable monthly income will guarantee Serpent OS enjoys constant feature development, bug fixes and an unmatched cadence. Thank you!