Publishing quality articles and making YouTube videos on various homelab topics, especially Docker and Traefik, since 2010. www.smarthomebeginner.com. If you are wondering why I pulled back some of my contributions, see About section below.
Total amount contributed
$15.00 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Sonarr to SimpleHomelab •
Contribution #797359
Contribution #797360
Credit from Radarr to SimpleHomelab •
Contribution #797361
↑ Total contributed
$15.00 USD
↓ Total received with expenses
--.-- USD

SimpleHomelab (formerly SmartHomeBeginner) publishes in-depth guides on Docker, Traefik, and other homelab topics on www.smarthomebeginner.com. SimpleHomelab also maintains www.deployarr.app, an automated tool to setup a Docker-based homelab.
Reason for pulling back my contributions: Deployarr-funded contributions now go through Deployarr rather than my individual account: https://opencollective.com/deployarr. You may read about it here.
Reason for pulling back my contributions: Deployarr-funded contributions now go through Deployarr rather than my individual account: https://opencollective.com/deployarr. You may read about it here.