Open Collective
Open Collective

University of Strathclyde StrathSDR (EEE Department, SDR Lab)

The University of Strathclyde (Scotland) dept of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Software Defined Radio Lab is researching, developing and trialling agile radio network solutions feat. 4G/5G, Xilinx RFSoC, OpenRAN, Neutral Hosting, Shared Spectrum.

Total amount contributed

£1,544.94 GBP



The Strathclyde Software Defined Radio (SDR) Lab is researching, developing and trialling agile radio network solutions featuring 4G/5G, Xilinx RFSoC, OpenRAN, Neutral Hosting, Shared Spectrum, Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA), and MultiUser MIMO (Mu-MIMO) technologies.

We are currently working on a number of innovative projects exploring 5G deployments across a range of domains. For more information, please check out our Projects Page

The Strathclyde SDR Lab is supported by a team of 2 Academic staff, 6 Knowledge Exchange, 3 R&D Engineers and 11 PhD Students. Meet the team here, and check out our latest publications here.