Open Collective
Open Collective

Game Studio editor rewrite Avalonia

Rewriting the Stride editor to the Avaloina UI framewok


A big project: Rewriting the editor with the Avalonia UI framework.
The Stride editor is built with WPF and therefore only works on Windows. WPF isn’t really being developed anymore and on top of that we want to start supporting the editor on Linux. We can only do so by rewriting the editor to another UI framework. 

The editor rewrite has been discussed in great lengths on both Discord and GitHub in the past few years. People have shared their ideas on which framework to use (Avalonia, MAUI, Uno etc), made some prototypes, even ported the Stride launcher. But we never really ‘actively’ made this an official item since it would take a full time developer many months to work on this task. 

We are fully aware that this might take a long time and a lot of effort from multiple people, but we have to start somewhere. We also anticipate that we can use some of the OpenCollective funding for this. 
So regardless of time/developer power: we have landed on using the Avalonia UI framework to rewrite the editor. Discord/Github user Kryptos will take the lead on this. 


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Contribution #835372
Contribution #768229
Contribution #714959
Today’s balance

$157.42 USD

Total raised

$157.42 USD

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--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

$60.00 USD


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