Open Collective
Open Collective

SUN Leaders Program


We support 20 social projects and their young leaders working to rebuild and transform Ukraine. Donate to help them grow and achieve more results.


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #838099

Credit from Valerie Johnson to SUN Leaders Program

Contribution #837941
Contribution #837733
Today’s balance

€2,161.02 EUR

Total raised

€18,535.02 EUR

Total disbursed

€16,374.00 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€3,508.64 EUR


As the Russian invasion started, almost everyone in Ukraine became a volunteer, trying to support in any possible way people around them. The war also brought economic decline, as many of people lost their income and savings. Despite this, there are tremendous initiatives and many inspiring young leaders who are getting things done and have an enormous impact.

SUN Leaders Program supports 35 young leaders and their social projects in Ukraine.
We enable leaders to focus on rebuilding and transforming Ukraine, and help projects become sustainable and scale.

We are fundraising for leaders' scholarships fund and administrative costs.
One full scholarship for one leader is €3000.

Why is it needed?
  • War in Ukraine has been going on for more than half a year. While the immediate response is now mostly covered, we need to step in and support projects with longer-term goals and impact, to work on rebuilding and transforming the country.
  • Projects are underfunded. Big international organizations get most of the donations. While small local initiatives do work in the fields and get no support. Leaders have to combine working to make a living with their activism. They can’t fully focus on their initiatives and create as much impact as they could.
  • Leaders need guidance, mentoring and learning opportunities. Some leaders started volunteering without any expertise or knowledge, just because it had to be done. Other activists have been in the field for some time, but had to change their focus due to new realities of war. Many of them burn out due to overworking themselves and being underfunded.

About the Program 

We want to bridge these gaps by supporting leaders and projects that create immediate results, but also have long-term impact for rebuilding and developing Ukraine.
SUN Leaders Program is a 6-months Fellowship Program for young leaders of social projects in Ukraine.

Who are these leaders? 
  • 🇺🇦 Ukrainians, working in Ukraine 
  • 🌟 18-30 years old 
  • 💪 Ready to take responsibility and act 

What are the projects? 
  • Already functioning projects (not idea stage), and showing some results 
  • Scalable 
  • In the fields of SDGs 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, and EU integration of Ukraine

What does the Program offer?  
  • 🙌 We support leaders in growing and scaling their projects: by offering them mentoring, educational resources, network of expert and fellows. 
  • 💶 We allow them to focus, remove some of their financial anxieties: by offering a monthly scholarship of €500. Leaders can spend the scholarship as they want: e.g. cover their basic living expenses, or cover project costs. 

Fellowship process:

Program Piloting 

Our partners Leaders Fund have piloted the Program in 2019-2020. 
Some of previous fellows: 
  • Olga Ilyukhina, with the project "Healthy food for kids". SDG target 3.4. Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and improve mental health
  • Olena Shulha, with the project "Engineering Week". SDG target 4.3: Equal access to affordable technical, professional and higher education
During the Program, the leaders: 
  • Scaled their project nationwide
  • Won grants to fund their activities
  • Hired new team members
  • Launched a social enterprise
  • Partnered with the government and businesses
After the Program, on of the leaders started working for WHO in Ukraine, another got shortlisted in BBC book contest.

Project organizers 

  • SupportUkraineNow
    SupportUkraineNOW is a Global Shaper-led volunteer organization focused on tailoring and curating effective solutions to the Ukrainian crisis. Now an ecosystem with 10+ initiatives in the spheres of economy, activism and humanitarian response to the war in Ukraine.

  • Future Development Agency. Leaders Fund
    Future Development Agency is a project office for social change, established in 2015. We implement our own projects and work as a back-office for the development of national institutions, local governments, civil society organizations, social businesses. At Leaders Fund we provide financial support and mentorship to leaders of change and scale their social projects.

Our team


Core Contributor


Core Contributor


Core Contributor


Core Contributor


Core Contributor



Elizaveta Buk...

Core Contributor


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Financial Contributions

One-time contribution

Your choice of donation to support projects that focus on rebuilding and transforming Ukraine

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+ 232
Recurring contribution
Monthly Donation

Your choice of monthly donation to support projects that focus on rebuilding and transforming Ukraine

Starts at
€20 EUR / month

Latest activity by

One-time contribution

€200 donation to support projects that focus on rebuilding and transforming Ukraine

€200 EUR

Latest activity by

One-time contribution
One month scholarship

For one leader

€500 EUR

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One-time contribution
Full scholarship

Full 6 months scholarship for one leader

€3,000 EUR

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SUN Leaders Program is all of us

Our contributors 246

Thank you for supporting SUN Leaders Program.

Stu Roysland


€1,900 EUR



€1,000 EUR



€1,000 EUR



€900 EUR



€800 EUR



€500 EUR

Puck Futin

One month scholarship

€500 EUR


Monthly Donation

€450 EUR

Pavel Koryakin


€340 EUR

Mighty Ally +...


€300 EUR

Haleeq Usman


€300 EUR



€300 EUR