Open Collective
Open Collective

The Hologram

distributes a peer-to-peer health monitoring protocol


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£5 GBP / month

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£100 GBP / month

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Top financial contributors


The Social Change Nest

£125,693.06 GBP since Jun 2023


£98,848.14 GBP since May 2022

Lankelly Chase

£47,805.47 GBP since Jun 2022



£20 GBP since Aug 2024

The Hologram is all of us

Our contributors 11

Thank you for supporting The Hologram.



The Social Ch...

£125,693 GBP


£98,848 GBP

Lankelly Chase

£47,805 GBP


£20 GBP


Transparent and open finances.


from Lucien Spect to The Hologram
-$403.17 USD
~£311.62 GBP

Debit from The Hologram to Lyra Hill

-€86.00 EUR
£71.39 GBP
Today’s balance

£10,656.59 GBP

Total raised

£264,374.87 GBP

Total disbursed

£253,718.28 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£20.00 GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from The Hologram

Updates on our activities and progress.

What we did in 2022

In November 2022, we held our annual Open House a meeting in which we summarize the work that has been done with/around The Hologram as well as the projects planned for the future. You can watch the recap of the first part of the Open House...
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Published on February 15, 2023 by Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelová

2022 Plans

Based on patterns and priorities set in the past, needs and wishes of the Working Groups (MVH and Course & Workshop Facilitators), the decentralization meeting of the Neutron Star planners, and topics re-occurring in monthly Community o...
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Published on April 1, 2022 by Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelová

What we did in 2021

The Hologram has started over six years ago, slowly germinating as an idea and a protocol. In 2020, it began its more public life and since then it has been growing and morphing as more and more people from couches all over the wor...
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Published on March 31, 2022 by Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelová


The Hologram is viral four-person health monitoring and diagnostic protocol practiced from couches all over the world. In it, three non-expert participants create a three-dimensional “hologram” of a fourth participant’s physical, psychological and social health, and each becomes, the focus of three other people’s care in an expanding network.

Since it publicly launched in March 2020, The Hologram has also become a community of its practitioners. Many of them teach the protocol and keep learning about decentralized, cooperative creation of stability and collective health to survive and fight capitalism.

Some names and numbers:
The Hologram project has been supported by institutions such as Furtherfield gallery, A Blade of Grass foundation, Pirate.Care research network, Eyebeam fellowship program, The NewBridge Project, Creatures (Creative Resourcefulness for Sustainable Futures), and more.
The Hologram: A Peer-to-Peer Protocol for Post-pandemic Future book by Cassie Thornton was published by Pluto Press in 2020 and sold over 1500 copies. It summarizes the protocol and its wider connections to the fight for anti-capitalist liberation.
As of the end of 2021, The Hologram has hold 4 online public courses (each for ca 25 people), over 20 workshops for groups and institutions interested in cooperative care practices, and over 100 peer-to-peer facilitated online Minimum Hologram session for four friends wanting to try on The Hologram. All for free.

You can find more about The Hologram at:

Our team