Open Collective
Open Collective
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Vincent Van Gogh


Developing a triology music video project that references the life and art of Vincent van Gogh.


Transparent and open finances.

-£6.70 GBP
-£38.18 GBP

Credit from Sabine Stein to Vincent Van Gogh

Contribution #695215
Today’s balance

--.-- GBP

Total raised

£539.01 GBP

Total disbursed

£539.01 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP


Our team

Jacqueline Sw...

Core Contributor

Elena Symeou

Core Contributor

Jennifer Colwell

Core Contributor

Laura Rees

Core Contributor

Spare Ribs Club

Core Contributor

Leyla Tabrizi

Core Contributor

Aida Lahlou

Core Contributor

Jewellery Mak...

Core Contributor

Lula Mebrahtu

Core Contributor

Caroline Kennedy

Core Contributor

Madhumita Bose

Core Contributor

Marissa Mirel...

Core Contributor

A. N. Zoey

Core Contributor
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Vincent Van Gogh is all of us

Our contributors 4

Thank you for supporting Vincent Van Gogh.

A. N. Zoey

Core Contributor
Thank you for supporting my project!

Sista Gardy

£21 GBP

Sabine Stein

£20 GBP