The Innovators' League
Fiscal Host: The Social Change Nest
We replenish & re-charge communities through the power of community work and advocacy. We provide spaces, funding & resources to our community to make this happen.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Community Leadership in Motion
£1,175 GBP since Sep 2023
The Innovators' League is all of us
Our contributors 4
Thank you for supporting The Innovators' League.

Transparent and open finances.
-£1,003.06 GBP
-£703.21 GBP
Balance transfer
Today’s balance--.-- GBP
Total raised
£1,878.21 GBP
Total disbursed
£1,878.21 GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP

The Innovators' League is an organised ecosystem of youth and community advocates and change-makers, addressing the issues of poverty, exclusion, social immobility and violence impacting young people and families in Brixton.
We started our journey with our first space, The Youth Innovation Hub Brixton, where youth organisations and advocates are able to access free workspace to deliver support to young people across the borough. Over the last 4 years we have been able to support over 4000 young people through our collective. Our space has become a meaningful place where young people can be themselves and connect to people who can support to them to plant roots for their positive futures.
Our immediate goal is to keep the Hub running in Central Brixton as an alternative provision for young people. To do this we need to build our financial base and independence.
Our long-term goal is to provide more safe spaces across the borough and over London which all have funding and resources embedded to meet the needs of each local area for young people, their family and the people who support them, to plant healthy foundational roots for their positive futures.
Our visions is to have an eco-system of accessible environments and resources for our beneficiaries to discover, innovate and experience their true value and autonomy in the world. The League is the leverage for young people, families and advocates to be the drivers and champions of positive change in their lives, families, communities and environments.
Our team
Chique Narwan
Elena Lo Presti