Tiwaiwaka is a movement, a set of principles for putting Papatūānuku as the first priority. A collective working to restore the mauri of the whenua.
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$2,050 NZD since Feb 2024
$2,000 NZD since May 2021
$1,000 NZD since Jun 2022
$570 NZD since Jan 2022
$220 NZD since Jun 2022
$50 NZD since May 2021
$20 NZD since Nov 2020
$20 NZD since Mar 2021
$10 NZD since Nov 2022
$30,000 NZD since Jan 2021
$30,000 NZD since Mar 2022
Tiwaiwaka is all of us
Our contributors 13
Thank you for supporting Tiwaiwaka.
Graedon Parker
$20 NZD
Pa McGowan
Biome Fund
$30,000 NZD
Quatro Trust
$30,000 NZD
Wellington Ap...
$2,050 NZD
$2,000 NZD
$1,000 NZD
Regeneration ...
$570 NZD
Stella Ngahui...
$220 NZD
$50 NZD
Rina Te Rehin...
$20 NZD
Transparent and open finances.
$203.49 NZD
$60,546.13 NZD
$60,342.64 NZD
$2,108.78 NZD
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Tiwaiwaka
Updates on our activities and progress.
Tiwaiwaka Hui 22 - 24th Jan 2021, Paparoa Marae, Tauranga Moana
What is Tiwaiwaka?
The Tiwaiwaka (Piwaiwaka/fantail), and the 6 Key Principles are a voice for the Earth, a message of #kotahitanga (unification), hope, survival, and learning to live in harmony with Papatūānuku (The Earth Mother) and her many children as a family, connected and united so that all may thrive.
Over time, Tiwaiwaka will grow to many groups and individuals, all committed to realising the vision of healing and revitalizing the whenua, each in their own way, regardless of culture, religion, beliefs, and history.
6 Tiwaiwaka Principles
All living creatures are our brothers and sisters, and we are the potiki, the last born. Papatūānuku is our mother. We must care for them.