Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe
Elegant and digitally immutable certificates of authenticity for the original artwork, based on quintuplicate chirographs. This collectif will fund 1/ open source development 2/ a robust IPFS infrastructure for long term conservation of digital assets.
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Recurring contribution
Gold sponsor
Visibility on http://uncopied.art/ in the "sponsors" section, visibility on the GitHub main project page, 3 "bug bounty" per month, 1 thank you twe... Read more
Starts at
€1,000 EUR / month
Top financial contributors
€3,250 EUR since Jan 2021
uncopied is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting uncopied.
Elian Carsenat
Adyasha Mohanty
Core Contributor
alisha mohanty
Core Contributor
Amandine Ross...
Core Contributor
Alexander Teplov
Core Contributor
silver sponsor
€3,250 EUR
Transparent and open finances.
Zero out balance
from Elian Carsenat to uncopied •
-€134.28 EUR
-€150.00 EUR
-€150.00 EUR
Today’s balance€134.38 EUR
Total raised
€3,005.49 EUR
Total disbursed
€2,871.11 EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from uncopied
Updates on our activities and progress.
NFTs and the Museum Part 5: Art Collections on the Blockchain
NFTs and the Museum Part 5: Art Collections on the BlockchainDecember 7, 2021NFTs present challenges for collectors beyond the logistics of ownership and exchange, but also in terms of long-term sustainability and authorship of these artwor...
Published on December 24, 2021 by Elian Carsenat
First certificate of a physical object
This October 2021, Uncopied was used for the first time to authenticate a secure Certificate of Inventory (CoI) for a physical work of inestimable cultural and heritage value. The object...
Published on December 24, 2021 by Elian Carsenat
Can the blockchain help secure Museum collections?
Preparing for the aftermath of COVID-19: our cultural heritage is at risk A 2011 survey by...
Published on February 15, 2021 by Elian Carsenat
Elegant and digitally immutable certificates of authenticity for the original artwork. This collectif will fund 1/ open source development 2/ a robust IPFS infrastructure for long term conservation of digital assets.
We're currently discussing a first pilot project to ensure long term conservation for digital assets of the National Museum of Mali.
We're currently discussing a first pilot project to ensure long term conservation for digital assets of the National Museum of Mali.
Our team
Elian Carsenat
Adyasha Mohanty
Core Contributor
alisha mohanty
Core Contributor
Amandine Ross...
Core Contributor
Alexander Teplov
Core Contributor