Building an Escape Room with Vue and Electron has been archived.
Building an Escape Room with Vue and Electron has been archived and is no longer active.
Building an Escape Room with Vue and Electron
Thursday, August 17, 2017, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC-04:00)
Created by: UpstatePHP

Ever needed an interactive application like a kiosk? Doug built one for the escape room celebrating Synergy Mill's anniversary. He'll talk about the tools and tech he used to put it together, including VueJS and Electron. Plus he'll be bringing the live Raspberry Pi so you can check it out.
Presenter: Doug Cone
Go to the third floor on the Richardson Street Parking Garage, find the glass door, ring the bell, we'll let you in!
101 North Main Street
Our team
Steven Wade
Jacob Adelberg