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Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support has been archived.

Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support has been archived and is no longer active.

Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support

Ward 3 Mutual Aid is part of a grassroots response to COVID-19 in Washington DC. We are a collective of neighbors helping neighbors & organizing to build a just and equitable city.


Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support is all of us

Our contributors 337

Thank you for supporting Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support.

Leah Brown


$1,505 USD

Julienne Kaleta


$1,090 USD

Sara Swetzoff


$275 USD

Greater Washi...

$27,000 USD


One Time Donation

$26,517 USD

GW Student As...

One Time Donation

$10,000 USD

Marshall Family

Network Solidarity

$6,600 USD

Paul Neaville

Network Solidarity

$5,900 USD

Jayme Epstein

Network Solidarity

$4,100 USD


One Time Donation

$3,650 USD

Beks Blakney

Network Solidarity

$3,500 USD


Mutual aid, unlike charity, empowers people to give and receive help as part of our community. We may each have little to give, but all together we are powerful!

The Ward 3 Mutual Aid team is part of the DC Mutual Aid Network, a citywide grassroots movement initiated by BIPOC organizers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mutual aid is direct support among neighbors. In our first year, the Ward 3 team answered over 4,000 calls on our community hotline, and made over 1,400 grocery deliveries in our ward. Almost four years later, we continue to receive at least 5-10 calls each week from neighbors facing food insecurity, housing insecurity, and other types of economic precarity, including the consistent lack of adequate and accessible City resources. The need for resources far exceeds our available funding, and so we have had to pause taking requests for food assistance for the time being (since September 2023). To help us get back on track, please consider making a monthly contribution or increasing your monthly donation..

Ward 3 is the whitest and wealthiest ward in the city. We approach our organizing through a lens of wealth redistribution and reparations to Black and brown residents who experience structural racism and displacement in our rapidly gentrifying city. With the wealth in Ward 3, we should be able to support Ward 3 neighbors and contribute regularly to mutual aid organizing throughout DC.
Although our mutual aid network began in immediate response to the COVID pandemic, mutual aid existed and thrived in DC prior to the pandemic. Mutual aid will continue to be a necessary means for us to meet one another's needs. We need consistent funding to maintain our current operations and meet the ongoing needs of our neighbors. 

With consistent funding, imagine the possibilities for us to expand our support: both within our ward, and to our neighbors across the city!

Have questions or want to  join our organizing for collective liberation? Send us an email ([email protected]) or complete the sign-up form to organize alongside us and develop relationships with neighbors that are rooted in radical care. 
Follow our organizing on Instagram and Facebook @Ward3MutualAid ! 


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support

Updates on our activities and progress.

Ward 3 Mutual Aid is evolving

Ward 3 Mutual Aid has made the difficult decision to end reimbursements for grocery store gift cards and grocery deliveries, as soon as we have spent our remaining funds. As our members returned to work, school, and other o...
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Published on March 10, 2024 by Leah Brown

One Year Update and Fundraising Goal for April 2021

Hello mutual aid organizers! Thank you for your continued support. Since our hotline opened about a year ago, on March 23, we have responded to over 4000 calls and made over 1800 grocery deliveries to War...
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Published on April 13, 2021 by Julienne Kaleta

December update for our beloved contributors

Contribute to Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support to see this Update
Published on December 3, 2020 by Sara Swetzoff


Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.

How can I help?

Published on February 22, 2021 by Margaret Doctors

Hello! Glad y’all are here. I’m a small business owner in Ward 3 and I want to get involved and help establish a robust support network throughout our community.

Report - 1st 6 Month of Operation

Published on October 26, 2020 by Olga A Kochergina

Here is a link that was shared in the Ward3 Mutual Aid email thread - the 6month report for March 23-September 22, 2020. Check it out for the full operational budget and the proposed next steps!...

Monthly budget goal?

Published on October 26, 2020 by Olga A Kochergina

What is monthly budget $$ we are fundraising toward? The description lists that we averaged 2550$ in grocery requests and $650 in aid for neighboring wards PER WEEK, so it sounds like we are looking for 3200$ weekly or 13K Monthly operating...



Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

$211,719.55 USD

Total disbursed

$211,719.55 USD

Estimated annual budget

$5.00 USD