Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support has been archived.

Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support
Ward 3 Mutual Aid is part of a grassroots response to COVID-19 in Washington DC. We are a collective of neighbors helping neighbors & organizing to build a just and equitable city.

Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support is all of us
Our contributors 337
Thank you for supporting Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support.
Leah Brown
$1,505 USD
Julienne Kaleta
$1,090 USD
Sara Swetzoff
$275 USD
Greater Washi...
$27,000 USD
One Time Donation
$26,517 USD
GW Student As...
One Time Donation
$10,000 USD
Marshall Family
Network Solidarity
$6,600 USD
Paul Neaville
Network Solidarity
$5,900 USD
ANC 3C Adviso...
$5,000 USD
Jayme Epstein
Network Solidarity
$4,100 USD
One Time Donation
$3,650 USD
Beks Blakney
Network Solidarity
$3,500 USD


Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Washington DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid Neighbor Support
Updates on our activities and progress.
Ward 3 Mutual Aid is evolving
One Year Update and Fundraising Goal for April 2021
December update for our beloved contributors
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
How can I help?
Published on February 22, 2021 by Margaret Doctors
Hello! Glad y’all are here. I’m a small business owner in Ward 3 and I want to get involved and help establish a robust support network throughout our community.
Report - 1st 6 Month of Operation
Published on October 26, 2020 by Olga A Kochergina
Here is a link that was shared in the Ward3 Mutual Aid email thread - the 6month report for March 23-September 22, 2020. Check it out for the full operational budget and the proposed next steps!...
Monthly budget goal?
Published on October 26, 2020 by Olga A Kochergina
What is monthly budget $$ we are fundraising toward? The description lists that we averaged 2550$ in grocery requests and $650 in aid for neighboring wards PER WEEK, so it sounds like we are looking for 3200$ weekly or 13K Monthly operating...

Transparent and open finances.
Requests 6913, 6914
Requests 6823+6905+6910, 6911, 6912
Requests 6843, 6864, 6898, 6906, 6907
--.-- USD
$211,719.55 USD
$211,719.55 USD
$5.00 USD