Open source
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
WebPd is a compiler for audio programming language Pure Data allowing to run .pd patches on web pages.
WebPd is a compiler for the Pure Data audio programming language allowing to run .pd patches in web pages.
WebPd is highly modular and takes a white-box approach to audio programming. It converts the audio graph and processing objects from a patch into plain human-readable JavaScript or AssemblyScript (*). The pure audio generated code can be then integrated directly in any web application without using WebPd or Pure Data ever again .
Usecase examples
- Publish generative musical works on the web
- Execute, tweak and share patches collectively on any machine
- Produce, filter and playback sound and music data in realtime from web based applications and games
(*) AssemblyScript is a TypeScript-style language which compiles to WebAssembly.
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from FunkyFourier to WebPd •
Contribution #547291
Credit from Solidago-01 to WebPd •
Contribution #820053
Credit from FunkyFourier to WebPd •
Contribution #547291
Today’s balance$156.47 USD
Total raised
$398.05 USD
Total disbursed
$241.58 USD
Estimated annual budget
$37.00 USD
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from WebPd
Updates on our activities and progress.
Announcing WebPd 1.0, a complete refactor and a crowdfunding campaign
TL;DR : Faster, better, stronger, WebPd 1.0 is coming (featuring WebAssembly, Audio Worklet and more) ... but it needs your support ! WebPd is a highly modular web audio programming toolkit inspired by st...
Published on June 12, 2022 by Sébastien Piquemal