Open Collective
Open Collective

MMMM! Monday 24 April, Movie (In Transition 2.0), Meal & Mingling.

Inspiring documetaries, short films by local filmmakers, organic veg curries, + hot & cold drinks

Monday, April 24, 2023, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (UTC+00:00)
Fiscal Host: United Diversity


United Diversity Bridport and Sustainable Bridport present: MMMM! Monday Movie, Meal & Mingling

Inspiring documentaries, short films by local filmmakers, organic veg curries, hot and cold drinks.

This is the second of an exciting new weekly event for Bridport in the lovely White Room at the Chapel in the Garden (entry via Rax Lane)

This week we'll be screening:

Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist (10 mins)
The Doughnut offers a vision of what it means for humanity to thrive in the 21st century - and Doughnut Economics explores the mindset and ways of thinking needed to get us there. This short animation is a great introduction to Doughnut Economics.

The Wind Blows (14 mins) - a short film by local Bridport filmmakers Chasing Cow Productions
An adaptation of Katherine Mansfield’s story ‘The Wind Blows’ (2022) Directed by Grace Crabtree.

Members of Chasing Cow will be joining us on the night.

In Transition 2.0: a story of resilience and hope in extraordinary times (1 hour 7 minutes)

In Transition 2.0 is an inspirational immersion in the Transition movement, gathering stories from around the world of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. You'll hear about communities printing their own money, growing food everywhere, localising their economies and setting up community power stations. It's an idea that has gone viral, a social experiment that is about responding to uncertain times with solutions and optimism. In a world that is awash with gloom, here is a story of hope, ingenuity and the power of growing vegetables in unexpected places.

With Transition Town Bridport re-branding and re-launching as Sustainable Bridport the day after this event, In Transition 2.0 felt like a great film to begin our weekly documentary film screenings.

We'll also have:

Delicious organic vegetarian curries each week from Vegie Vortex or Shanti Baba (who also alternate doing the curries at Beach and Barnicott on Wednesdays), plus hot and cold drinks.


The Chapel in the Garden

Our team

Deb and John

Core Contributor


Core Contributor

Tim Crabtree

Core Contributor

Richard Scott

Core Contributor

Ali Edgley

Core Contributor


Core Contributor

Jen Hawkins

Core Contributor


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-£2.76 GBP

Total raised

£108.72 GBP

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£111.48 GBP

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