Open Collective
Open Collective

Become a contributor

These are all the ways you can help make our community sustainable.

Recurring contribution
Business/Non Profit Annual Sponsorship

Support us in transitioning ourselves and our communities into an Ecologically Just* society Commit to an annual sponsorship from $250 to $5000

Starts at
$250 USD / year

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Recurring contribution

A monthly commitment from $1 & $5/month goes a long way to support WWC's efforts

Starts at
$1 USD / month

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+ 5
Recurring contribution

Help us help our community. Give $10/month

$10 USD / month

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Recurring contribution

Can you afford to give more monthly to our project and mutual aid efforts? Commit to $20/month

$20 USD / month

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Recurring contribution

Meeting us half way is half the battle. Give $50/month

$50 USD / month

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Recurring contribution

Do you believe strongly in WWC & have more to give monthly to our projects and mutual aid efforts? Contribute $100/month

$100 USD / month

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Hi - A West Philadelphia elder's phone has been shut off. She is disabled and caring for a sick l...

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To earmark funds towards the Womxnist Organizing Center projects

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Earmark funds for Holistic Wellness expenses

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Earmarked funds for membership expenses

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To hold the monetary offerings going out.

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To allocate money to organizer's ongoing professional development

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To allocate money for onboarding & training of co-organizers to the WWC team

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This community-led self-defense club allows us to train to protect ourselves & our people against...

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Our goal is to create educational content for Black people who’ve experienced harm and trauma fr...

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To raise home expense fund for a family in our network

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A service-exchange system that enables cooperation, interdependence and self-determination.

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Our multistakeholder cooperative is raising start-up funds to strengthen our capacity to become s...

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On-going mutual aid fund supports Black folx by providing emergency support. To Request funds, vi...

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We're raising funds to offer $500 grants towards community member's therapeutic care expenses.

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+ 2
Archived Project
To cover mental health and self-care expenses.

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Archived Project
To cover mental health and self-care expenses.

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Archived Project
To cover mental health and self-care expenses.

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Archived Project
To cover mental health and self-care expenses.

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Archived Project
To cover mental health and self-care expenses.

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Past event
04:00 PM-10:00 PM UTC
Save The Date! Sign-up starting in November

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No attendees
Past event
11:00 PM UTC
Visit Eventbrite to select a date of your one-on-one time bank orientation.

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