Open Collective
Open Collective

Extinction Rebellion Tech Development


Funds for XR Secure tech infrastructure. Securing rebel communications globally.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
Cost of an email

Every little bit helps towards our all important infrastructure

Starts at
€4 EUR

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Recurring contribution
Privacy Protector

Keep our Global South rebels safe with VPN, donate monthly

Starts at
€20 EUR / month

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Custom contribution
Firewall Sponsor

Online protection for earth defenders and protection from attacks.

Starts at
€100 EUR

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Custom contribution
Terrabyte Sponsor

Your choice but we we could use serious help to fulfill our tech wish-list. You can make these projects happen.

Starts at
€1,500 EUR

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Extinction Rebellion Tech Development is all of us

Our contributors 1

Thank you for supporting Extinction Rebellion Tech Development.


€400 EUR


TBSW (too busy saving world) ???
Only have one minute? Read on……..

Extinction Rebellion
(XR) is a global ecosystem of self organising groups that use non-violent direct action, proven to achieve change, with a vision to create a world fit for future generations.

Our mission is momentum driven mobilization aiming to reach a tipping point of people involved in activism, to leverage the holders of power.

We have developed awesome and secure global organization platforms used by over 160,000 ¨rebels¨, to support many more rebels on the ground.

We are being attacked, again. We need to secure our servers, need to provide more services & these new capabilities can also support more climate orgs.

? Activists are under attack online
  • DDoS attacks
  • 160,000 accounts at risk
= More capacity to resist  near constant DDoS attacks then acquire the hardware and rent rack space to implement our own firewall that can resist pretty much any take-down attack.

? Activists don't know which VPNs to trust & not all are able to afford it.​​​​​​

= An OpenVPN service is proposed with rotating credentials, traffic-shaped as needed (QoS).

? Activists need more secure and free webmail service.

= We need to expand our webmail service movement wide. Requiring space and support.

? Organising globally creates many language challenges for equitable connection.

Develop instantaneous translation capability on our platforms.

? Limited capacity for tech support and training. 
Which is needed to expand use of platforms and services globally

= Increase reactive capacity for tech support ticket system.
= Develop improved training for sys admins, such as DIY courses and mentoring.

? Truth Global Leaks website needs finishing.
Content needs checking by XR Scientists and for ethical considerations before publication.

Payment for people to finish it and to review information before publication. 

? Many new XR groups come into the world without a tech team, funding or any means to host their own website.

= Free website hosting. We can both provide a website template and host websites for groups.

? Many activists & earth defender groups in the global network don't yet have the tools or protection.

= We provide protection for groups using Data Center Light & can give groups guidance.

What we need from you?

Help raise €150,000 to fix it, we know the solutions.

Our team


Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions
Contribution #552211
Contribution #542360
Today’s balance

€368.33 EUR

Total raised

€368.33 EUR

Total disbursed

--.-- EUR

Estimated annual budget

--.-- EUR


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Extinction Rebellion Tech Development

Updates on our activities and progress.

Pi Day

Today is March 14th, or 3.14, celebrated as Pi Day. Not just the circumference of a circle, not just the birthday of Einstein, not just the day we celebrate science and scientists. Pi Day is the traditional day for funding Tech oriented pro...
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Published on March 14, 2022 by acqua

Shares & tax receipts?

Email us about shares & tax receipts [email protected]
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Published on March 12, 2022 by Patrick_B

Gitcoin Quadratic Matching

Do you have Crypto? You can donate crypto to this project in the active Gitcoin Round 13 and your donatio...
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Published on March 11, 2022 by XR GS Fundraising