Youth Climate Fund
Fiscal Host: The Social Change Nest
We support groups of young climate activists, in particular from the Global South, with flexible, non-complicated access to funding for small activities that strengthen their voices.

Si no habla inglés y necesita ayuda para rellenar una solicitud, póngase en contacto con nosotros:
Si vous ne parlez pas anglais et avez besoin d'aide pour remplir une demande, contactez-nous :
[email protected]
Young and eager to take climate action? You have an idea on how to make your voice heard in order to solve the climate crisis, but you’re just missing some funds to make it happen? We are here for you!
Si vous ne parlez pas anglais et avez besoin d'aide pour remplir une demande, contactez-nous :
[email protected]
Young and eager to take climate action? You have an idea on how to make your voice heard in order to solve the climate crisis, but you’re just missing some funds to make it happen? We are here for you!
Who we fund
We welcome applications from
- individuals and groups of youth climate activists between the age of 16 and 29
- the Global South, or generally from communities that face more challenges than others in our global society.
Your voice counts and our main objective is to make sure it is being heard. To keep things as simple and accessible as possible, we also invite groups that are not registered organizations to apply. Unfortunately, for legal reasons, we cannot make grants to Afghanistan, Central African Republic, India, Myanmar, Nicaragua, South Sudan and Zimbabwe.
What we fund
We provide small grants for activities that
- foster impactful climate actions, activities and events, and
- can be implemented within 3 months.
If you help us understand how our grant will allow you to strengthen the movement for greater climate action, we are open to funding a wide range of activities. These can include, but are not limited to: awareness campaigns, community organizing, non-violent direct actions, small adaptive and mitigation efforts, tech support (e.g for making a video or accessing the internet), and even legal aid, training, personal or team resilience etc.
As this is a global fund, we ask that you be mindful of your particular context, including the political and legal environment in your country, in respect to the activities that you are carrying out and whether there are potential risks to you or the individuals you are working with when carrying out these activities.
How we decide
Your application will be reviewed by a committee of four young activists from India, the Philippines, Nigeria and the USA, and a representative from each contributing donor.
How we manage grants
If your application is approved, we will get in touch and assist you in finding the best way to manage your grant. We will ask you to keep receipts of your expenses and, once your project is completed, to describe how the grant has helped you achieve your goals. We will be particularly happy to receive photos or videos of your activities!
Application process and deadlines
May 21, 2021: Deadline for the 1st round of applications, for activities to be implemented between June and August 2021.
July 2, 2021: Deadline for the 2nd round of applications, for activities to be implemented between August and October 2021.
Grants will be awarded as long as funds are available.
Are you ready to apply? Follow this link!
If you have issues accessing or filling in this form, please email [email protected]
If you have issues accessing or filling in this form, please email [email protected]
The Youth Climate Fund is a new fund by UMIF, and managed by The Social Change Nest.
About UMIF
The Urban Movement Innovation Fund works to connect, align and strengthen citizen engagement and activity for a more socially just, zero carbon future. We support innovative projects and foster collaboration across critical sectors and locations worldwide.
About SCN
The Social Change Nest specialises in creating and supporting people-powered networks and social movements. After years of supporting and incubating grassroots groups, we know how important it is to find a shared way to transparently manage your money.
Our team

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Youth Climate Fund is all of us
Our contributors 9
Thank you for supporting Youth Climate Fund.
Aprajita Pandey
Olumide Idowu
Pragnya Karla...
Melissa Sangs...
The Social Ch...
£155,498 GBP
£10 GBP

Transparent and open finances.
-£1,000.00 GBP
floods relief
from Clive Donnley to Youth Climate Fund •
-£900.00 GBP
Credit from Guest to Youth Climate Fund •
Contribution #665503
Today’s balance£4,980.02 GBP
Total raised
£163,391.63 GBP
Total disbursed
£158,411.61 GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP