Open Collective
Open Collective

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These are all the ways you can help make our community sustainable.

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You have an idea, a challenge, or an existing project that you'd like Mātou Collective to support. You're looking for technology, community, collab... Read more

$500 NZD

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You're keen to back a project, long-term, with resource that moves the needle significantly. Ngā mihi.

Starts at
$10,000 NZD / month

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Recurring contribution

You like what we are doing and want to support Mātou Collective to flourish. Pick a suggested amount or enter your own. We appreciate you helping u... Read more

Starts at
$1,000 NZD / month

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Recurring contribution

You want to make us part of your ongoing contribution to making the world better for all every month.

Starts at
$100 NZD / month

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One-time contribution

You like what you see and want to make a one off donation, right here, right now – because you care and you can. Ngā mihi.

Starts at
$10 NZD

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To train and empower Māori & Pasifika leaders by removing barriers, unlocking cultural capacity, ...

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Resourcing Mātou Collective growth by resourcing strategy work, exploring future opportunities, d...

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Resourcing the everyday running of Mātou Collective

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A collaboration with K'aute Pasifika around data sovereignty of wellbeing data

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Māori do not have a DAO launch blueprint to create culturally appropriate on-chain organisations ...

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Develop a research question to guide R&D for the creation of a multi-stakeholder governance entit...

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Archived Project
Community building, collaboration, concept development, proposal prep

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Archived Project
Preparing regulations to be used and reused in foundational registry solutions

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